Your Helpful Source For Colics In Babies and What to Do in That Cases

Hello to all mums here! My name is Jessy and I am the author of this helpful article. I’ve decided to write down my experience and help other mums with some tips and information about a problem that we all deal with – colic in babies. I know the struggle – so I created this content for you. We will talk about main concerns, and you will find relevant answers that could be used one day. Enjoy it with a cup of tea, and let’s start!

What Is Colic In Babies?

Colic is an unpleasant and potentially distressing condition that affects some babies. It often strikes suddenly and lasts for a few weeks or months, and can be very difficult to diagnose. The best way to get through colic is to get help from a pediatrician who will rule out other possible causes of your child’s crying such as reflux, an infection, or malnutrition.

Colic refers to persistent crying, usually for more than three hours a day, for at least three days in a row. The cause of colic is unknown but it may be related to reflux or digestive system problems. It can happen anytime between birth and 3 months old.

Colic Baby Symptoms

Colicky babies are most often found to have gastrointestinal problems, specifically an issue with the baby’s intestines. Colic is typically diagnosed by a doctor taking a detailed history of the baby’s symptoms which are often accompanied by abdominal pain or discomfort that lasts for hours or even days at a time.

Crying is a natural response to stress or anxiety. It’s an outward display of how the mind and body are reacting to a situation. Crying is a way for your baby to let you know what they’re feeling – whether it be pain, anger, frustration, or relief. If your baby cries excessively, take them into your arms and hold them tight.

When your baby cries, their cries may be a sign that they are having a difficult time breathing. If you hear a lot of gasping or grunting while your baby sleeps, it could be because they are swallowing air when they breathe. This can make their tummy look swollen or feel tight. They might show some relief in symptoms after passing gas or having a bowel movement.

When Does Colic Start And End?

Colic is a painful condition that causes a baby to cry inconsolably and continuously for more than three hours a day. It’s not unusual for a colicky baby to wake up crying and continue crying for more than two hours each of the next 5 days, and then sleep for an hour or so between bouts of screaming.

What Causes Colic?

There are many causes of colic, but the most common are infant reflux, other digestive problems, fussiness, and crying caused by pain or discomfort. For children under the age of 2, gas and indigestion can be a result of an immature digestive system. For older children, overfeeding or underfeeding can lead to discomfort in the GI tract. Most often, these symptoms disappear when a child is weaned from breast milk or formula and starts eating a regular diet.

Symptoms of a digestion system that isn’t fully developed can range from vomiting and diarrhea to constipation and food sensitivities. A digestive system that isn’t fully developed is the result of an immature brain stem, which controls the body’s basic functioning such as breathing and blood pressure.

Colic Treatment

Colic is often the result of an imbalance in the body’s ability to regulate gas production. There are several things that can trigger colicky symptoms, but there are also many things you can do to help soothe your baby. Colic treatment is a safe, gentle way to help your baby sleep better at night.

Colic is the most common cause of crying in infants under 3 months old and it may be caused by many things. There are ways you can avoid these triggers. There are also things you can try to help soothe your baby and reduce their crying.

If you’re feeding your baby formula: Try a different brand. Babies can be sensitive to certain proteins in formula. Try feeding your baby smaller meals but more often. Avoid feeding your baby too much or too quickly. One bottle feeding should last about 20 minutes. If your baby eats faster, try using a nipple with a smaller hole.

Babies who have colic can sometimes respond well to different ways of being held or rocked. For instance, holding your baby across your arm or lap while you massage their back can help ease discomfort. Another option is holding your baby upright, if they have gas. Holding your baby in the evening can help them sleep better.

Colic is a form of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is the most common pediatric gastrointestinal disorder. Colic can cause severe gas and air-like abdominal pain in infants. It’s usually thought to be caused by inflammation of the intestines but this isn’t always the case.

Is Colic Painful For Babies?

The most common causes of colic are gas, reflux, and allergy. In addition to that, some infants cry because they’re uncomfortable in their environment or because they’re feeling sad due to separation from the family. Colic is a condition in babies that causes inconsolable crying for hours on end, and can also include vomiting and excessive fussiness. Colic typically lasts from 3 to 5 weeks and usually ends by 12 months. There’s no cure for colic, but it can be treated with painkillers or other medications.

Colic is a quite common condition which occurs when the crying episodes are associated with a protracted period of time without any obvious reason. The crying episodes can last from hours to about three weeks or longer. There are different types of colic, ranging from the mild form to the severe form. Although there is no cure for colic, some treatments can help alleviate symptoms.

When To Call The Doctor?

Colic typically starts between 3-7 months when babies are learning how to hold their breath for longer periods. Although it can last up to 6 months, it usually doesn’t have lasting health effects. It’s the only symptom that is universally present among all babies with colic, so you should check in with your pediatrician if your baby cries for more than 3 hours without even stop for a few minutes.

These are some of the potential causes for fussiness in a baby. If the baby is underweight, has a rash, or is walking later than usual, these could be signs of a more serious medical condition. It’s important to keep a journal where you track how often your baby cries, sleeps, eats and poops and pees. 

Living With Colicky Baby

The healthcare provider can also recommend some over-the-counter products, such as herbs or supplements, to help ease your baby’s symptoms. There are several types of massage that may help calm your baby. Frequent changing of diapers throughout the day is another way to relieve stress on the hip muscle and bladder control. You should also speak with your healthcare provider about other treatments.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, it can affect your ability to take care of your baby. The stress that you’re experiencing will fuel the crying and frustration in your baby. The more you try to calm yourself, the more your baby will cry. Suffering in silence is not good for either of you.